These days, a powerful woman scorned by an equally powerful man has several options to consider, including the release of an hour-long accusatory music video in which she races through the streets smashing things with a baseball bat.

Gennadi Nedvigin as the tragic hero Lensky in Cranko’s ONEGIN at San Francisco Ballet
(Photo: Erik Tomasson)
In 19th century St. Petersburg, ripping up love letters served the same purpose – provided one did it with the fire that Yuan Yuan Tan brought to the role of Princess Tatiana at the May 2nd, 2016, matinee of John Cranko’s Onegin.
Tan’s transformation from daydreaming teenage bookworm to poised, worldly princess was utterly convincing and thrilling to watch. When she ripped up the bounder Eugene Onegin’s pitiful love letter and ordered him out of her boudoir, San Francisco’s War Memorial Opera House erupted in cheers.
Click here to read my review of San Francisco Ballet’s Onegin in the Huffington Post.