Viewing all posts by ballettothepeople

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Inspired by Degas: Wheeldon’s Swan Lake on the Joffrey Ballet


Swan Lake has endured countless adaptations and cosmetic alterations since the 19th century, but most productions conclude with some form of tragedy – with the notable exception of the Soviets, who mandated an inane, feel-good ending that unites the White Swan and her beloved in a Socialist paradise.…

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Dances With Google Glass




In June 2013, Google launched a competition on Twitter, soliciting bids from people interested in beta-testing its latest foray into wearable high tech. Since ‘beta-tester’ conjures up visions of bearded geeks in hoodies glued to their Retina displays, some marketing genius at Google coined the term ‘Google …

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28 OCTOBER 2014

Sasha Waltz & Guests: A Love Letter

Leigh Donlan reports from Zellerbach Hall in Berkeley:


An open love letter to Sasha Waltz and her “Guests” here would be inappropriate on many levels, so I will offer up the inadequacy of a review. Cal Performances brought this Berlin based company to Zellerbach Hall this weekend to …

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