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15 FEBRUARY 2015

The jaded sing Hallelujah for Oakland Ballet’s Nutcracker


With only three performances in two days, Oakland Ballet’s Nutcracker barely had time to get over jet lag, but the crowds that jammed the Art Deco jewel box of the Paramount Theatre the weekend before Christmas clearly hoped it would hang out for longer next year.

“I am experiencing …

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10 FEBRUARY 2015

Power Plays by Robert Dekkers for Post:Ballet


Like a René Magritte painting come to life, Robert Dekkers’ latest assault on the conventions of theatrical dance piled up one absurd image on another in precise, deliberate fashion, leading us rapidly from a vision of tranquil domesticity into hell and chaos, in concert with Anna Meredith’s seductive …

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Dancer draws a unique Valentine


Make your Valentine smile, with a card that celebrates your passion for ballet with an offbeat sense of humor.

Multi-talented ballerina Oshini Wanigasekera has launched a new card targeted especially at devotees of adult beginner ballet. If you don’t find them at your favorite dance store, you can order

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17 JANUARY 2015

Calling Flamenco lovers: help build a bridge between Spain and America


In 2010, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared Flamenco as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritages of Humanity, in an effort raise awareness and encourage the local communities of Spain to protect and sustain the art form. Despite this, Flamenco dancers, …

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