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1 JANUARY 2014

Looking back, in gratitude


It’s been two years since Ballet to the People won the Top Dance Blog award, thanks to your support. Many of you are not dancers nor regular dance-goers but you seem to enjoy reading about it, for which I am grateful.

State of the Union


Ballet to …

15 DECEMBER 2013

Intermezzo: the fiery Craig Salstein throws tradition to the wind


Conversing with Craig Salstein can be exhausting. He is a fiery presence on stage at American Ballet Theatre – as Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, the Bronze Idol and the Head Fakir in Bayadère, Puck in The Dream, the traitor Birbanto in Corsaire, the Champion …

12 DECEMBER 2013

It’s getting Nutty in the Bay: the Best of Holiday Dance


Leigh Donlan muses on the 2013 Nutcracker season:

Ah, it’s that time of year again, when children’s eyes glisten with visions of Sugar Plum fairies and sticky sweets. As a former dancer and, later, Children’s Ballet Mistress on many a Nutcracker production, this season often brings feelings of …