- To see how real people integrate ballet into their daily lives?
- When you need a French ballet term demystified?
- To get off-the-beaten-track suggestions for your ballet class playlist?
- When you want to know which is the scariest scene in all of classical ballet?
- To see an example of Italian fouettés beautifully executed?
- To find out why the plié is the most difficult step in ballet?
- If you’re wondering what the brilliant Alexei Ratmansky is up to?
- To find exclusive photos of men in sarongs rehearsing an Indonesian Swan Lake on the banks of the Big River?
- To learn how to stretch those hip flexors after a 65-mile bike ride?
- If you’re troubled by feminist critiques of ballet?
- If you’re dying to know why 19th century critics hated ‘The Nutcracker’ when it premiered in St. Petersburg?
- When you need to feed a company of hungry dancers and are looking for inspired recipes and wine pairings?
To Ballet to the People, naturally!
Top Dance Blog competition update: Thanks to all who commented and voted for us this year, sending us to the TOP! Click here for the complete list of winners of the Top Dance Blog Competition of 2011
The Ballet to the People blog is an extraordinarily well written series of essays on a vast range of topics related to the world of the ballet-interested. I like that it tracks current performances, traces references to ballet history and makes us amateurs feel a part of the living body of dance. It is very nice…and fun!
I absolutely love this blog! It’s always got such fascinating articles that are informational, fascinating, and always has great photos and videos for added interest. It breaks ballet down into realistic terms that are easily digestible for anyone from ballet newbs to old veterans. I’ve learned all sorts of awesome new things from it that I haven’t found anywhere else on the internet! I always look forward to B2TP’s new posts!
I love your blog! My niece is a dancer and reading your blog helps me to more fully understand the world she lives in. Bravo – …..and, the 1965 photo is priceless.
Love it! Your blog is my guilty pleasure!
This is such a witty blog! Keep it up!
There’s so much to love about Ballet To the People: Its bloggers don’t just critique dance and dancers, they are dancers and provide an insider’s view of the dance world. The posts are written with insight, humor and sparkling prose. The site itself is beautiful to view and easy to navigate. I love the mix of video and text posts. What differentiates this gem of a blog from other dance blogs, however, is Ballet to The People’s non-elitist approach to classical ballet. They make the time-honored art form accessible to women and men of all ages, sizes and abilities–and with experience ranging from New York pro to podunk novice. No blog is more deserving to be named Dance Advantage Top Dance Blog of 2011 than Ballet to the People.
You make ballet accessible to everyone in such a fun way. Just keep reading the blog and we can follow the latest in the ballet world as well. I love it!!
I so often feel disconnected to the dance world. My opportunities to see performances are much more limited these days, and when I do attend I often feel a bit disconnected. But your blog invites me back in, teaches me new ways to view performances and leads me to understand varying perspectives. You really open up my mind! Thank you for your well chosen subject matter, as well as your humor and historical references. Truly love B2TP! Bravo!!!
Okay, now this is cool. Ballet to the People is like no other dance blog. Having been a dancer for many years myself, I speak from experience. It’s well-written and accessible. It’s relateable to dancers and non-dancers alike in a simple human way. This is good stuff. I LOVE it!
I am an architect who has fallen madly in love with a former ballerina, now fellow architect, Mary M. Wilson. Mary and I are exploring the many fascinating and alluring connections bewteen architecture and ballet in ways that will, we hope, make both art forms not only more accessible to people but also more meaningful. Your blog has proven to be a rich source of gems to mine. Brava!!
I have loved ballet since I was 6 and this blog just brings the beauty of ballet and the ordinary day to day humdrum together. Always informative and witty at the same time. Kudos!
This blog is so amazing!!! I read it everyday!!!
I am a musician, not a dancer. I love this blog, I wish a choregrapher will use one day one of my guitar tunes and add an other level of expression to it, higher or deeper.
I have so many friends who are dancers, and I usually haven’t a clue what they are talking about when we get together. Your blog is wonderful. Now I can be more in the conversation and feel less like a hanger-on. It’s sweet and simple, which is really refreshing.
Dancing is the ultimate expression of joy, and ballet is the most concentrated form of this expression. Ballet to the People packages this concentrate (a vitamin pill for the senses, if you will) in just the right dosage: it makes us realize that ballet is not an esoteric art, that it’s very accessible, and that any moment is the right moment to dance. Ballet to the People is not just a celebration of ballet, or of dancing: it is a celebration of the joy that is inside all of us, a celebration of life itself.
I was a ballet dancer for many years & I generally hate reading about ballet – what’s written is usually wrong &/or stupid – but I do, truly, love this blog! It’s bright, it’s thoughtful, it explores the art & the culture in a way that no one else does. What a happy, stimulating experience! Thank you so much for writing it!
Though I don’t dance myself, I find B2TP so informative and fun! Love reading every post, and I keep finding myself checking for new articles everyday!
I always welcome a ballet to the people post on my facebook account. I find out about all kinds of things in the world of ballet that I wouldn’t have been aware of otherwise. The videos and pictures are beautiful!
Having been a dancer for the past 15 years, “Ballet to the People” has certainly enriched my life with joy, wisdom, and wit applicable not only to dance, but to every aspect of life. Carla, one of the best ballet teachers in the Bay Area, has a gift for making ballet accessible to individuals from all backgrounds. Through these blog posts, I have laughed, learned, and lived– dance itself is movement through life. I cannot think of any other blog that is more deserving of the “Top Dance Blogs of 2011” Award.
I love reading the words of dancers who articulate the meaning of dance in their “real” lives, and who are willing to share all their experience, information, love of dance, and humor about the dance world itself. I check in with you often, and will continue to read here online regularly. Merde!
What a delightful blog! It’s a great way to feel connected to the world of Ballet without having to scour multiple websites. Thank you!
Awesome Blog! I just subscribed and can’t wait to read more. As an ex-professional it’s hard to find real writing on ballet without stereotypes leaking in. Witty and straight to the “POINTE”… Well written!!!
Like many readers, I don’t dance myself– this being said, I always love reading Ballet to the People. Not only does it bring the world of dance closer to my own, it’s peppered with witty snippets that help to bring my world into the world of dance. Also, a big +1 for having a most delightful and delectable array of summer entries (absolutely gorgeous models, especially those in the Thousand Island Arabesque. And you can’t beat the delectability of praline ice cream sandwiches). What more do you need!?
So well written! Love connecting with memories and family through Ballet to the People!!!!
Loving starts with plie!!!
I found this an interesting and informative blog.
It doesn’t matter whether you dance or not (but why wouldn’t you?) everyone who endeavors to engage in the challenge of any sport should read this blog’s manifesto. As a professional insructor in my own sport this message is both profound and succint. We would all be better students, not just as dancers, tennis players, runners, chess players, life partners etc…, but inherently better human beings by adopting this manifesto (substituting a few words appropriate to our own activity) into our life passions. Praise to the power of dance and the message from “ballet to the people”
I just discovered your blog via Joan Lazarus (I’m a dance student at Roco). I grew up dancing ballet, and now I’m exploring as many of the world’s dances as possible and chronicling the experience on my new blog, Follow-My-Lead.com.
I’m just getting caught up on your posts, but I love your philosophy that dance is for everyone, and your thoughtful analyses of dance culture, trends, technique, etc. Thanks, keep up the excellent work! You’ve got my vote
BalletToThePeeps expresses unique viewpoints on our beloved art form. It’s at the top of my bloglist !
‘Ballet to the People’ is informative and inspiring! A ‘must read’ for dancers of any style.
It is fun to dance together and will be even more awesome to read what you have to share…thanks!
This is a great blog, hits on a lot of interesting points – great perspective and pithy writing. Always well worth a read!
This is an excellent blog! Very informative and fun to read!
Your blog speaks so intelligently not just about dance but of all things related to it, and also some things to that one would not necessarily think related to dance (such as sports, food, technology) but that tie in so nicely. Always thought-provoking, thoughtful and thoroughly enjoyable… BRAVA! And keep the posts coming please!
Great blog!
This blog is great! I read it daily!!
This blog brightens my day! You have taught me so much about dance.
Thank you for your beautiful words!
Great blog for many reasons – thoughtful, interesting, thorough, visual and funny too! The perfect supplement to a great class! Thanks for sharing, Carla!
This imaginative blog is so intelligent & informative, it makes me wish I were young again so i could take ballet lessons!
As a life-long Fred Astaire fan who’s been invited to a couple of ballets and then urged to read extracts from your BttP postings, I’ve become an amateur balletomane who likes the idea of escaping the humdrum real life into the fairy tale world of leaping lords, pretty princesses, silly swans, wicked witches and the like. Too late for me now to trade in my tap shoes for toe ones, but I can dream, can’t I?
Superb, educational, discussions based in facts
I love the idea of incorporating ballet in every day thought! My favorite is the picture of the sisters!!
I love B2TP!! The idea that ballet, a dance form that seems so exclusive, can be enjoyed and appreciated by all is wonderful!
This blog is the work of someone who lives and breathes ballet. She spreads her love of ballet everywhere she goes. My favorite ballet blog.
Great blog! Very informative and fun to read!!!
It’s a treat for an old aficionado like me to follow your blog. I look forward to the original work you’re producing. Felt a pang on seeing the photo of you and baby sister taking your first ballet steps — from Kuala Lumpur to Manila to London (for baby sis) to New York and finally to San Francisco has been a steady artistic progression. As they say where I come from: More Power (to your fingers, legs, arms & toes)!
true to its name, “ballet to the people” helps this non-aficionado explore ballet in such an accessible and engaging way. always a joy to read!! happy new year! xo abby
This blog has brought back my childhood memories of ballet, of the sound of needle scratching on the record as we were doing our plies. Fulfillment on being able to stand on ones toes, etc. This blog makes me want to return to wonderful world of ballet, and am thinking of joining an adult class. Thank you for putting up this blog!
It’s been a different experience of sorts for me…Being introduced to Ballet via this blog.. its been great source of information and education for a Non – dancer…. keep it up.
I love Carla’s blogs on ballet, very thoughtful and clear expositions on the positions in ballet! I don’t dance myself, but you might call me a balletomane, watching (as much as I can) performances wherever I find myself in: Manila; Champaign, IL; Montreal, New York, Chicago … Love Ballet to the People!
I love your blog!!! <3
I love reading your blog. I especially enjoyed the photos and recipes this summer.
Wonderful read. A joy in my inbox.
I think it speaks volumes about the website that so many of its readers are non-dancers. Simultaneously technical and accessible, Ballet to the People engages the every-man without seeming condescending and informs the ballet aficionado without being pretentious. I would recommend the website to anyone, and wholeheartedly support its selection as one of the best dance blogs on the internet.
Great ideas here!!
Cross cultural, world wide, excellent
Dance has really brought me back to life after all these years…Ballet is so good for the soul as well as the body! Love to read your blogs but what i really love is taking your classes.
Thank you, Lilly
Ballettothepeople is the perfect ballet blog – as far as I’m concerned, the only ballet blog! Reminds me of the wonderful time I spent in Carla’s class. It has the same humor, common sense, and elegance as she does!
I am a lurker coming out from behind my computer in support of B2TP. This blog should receive accolades to further spread the beauty, truth, history and future of the dance. All the knowledge of the dance-intelligently written, and personal information shared on this blog makes this a must read-and I for one cast my vote to B2TP-the best ballet blog in cyberspace.
<3 this blog.
Always insightful articles about ballet and it's relation to other sports/dancing styles and who doesn't like hearing about more ballet related things?
PLUS you have your teaching schedule on here!
Definitely casting my vote!
Great blog! Good luck!
This is the awesomest dance blog ever! I love reading it cause it’s interesting. Some of those dance blogs get pretty boring but not B2TP. I really like the videos you post too. Thanks!
Just what a blog should be – thought provoking, mind expanding and emotionally evocative. Makes me miss my days at the barre in Payne Whitney…xox, kristen
Great blog with interesting insights into the ballet world for amateur balletomanes like myself. i love the way world events are linked into the entries bringing ballet alive in the here and now. living in a little town like i do where there are no theaters whatsoever and almost no cultural events, B2TP keeps me abreast! like emma above, i really appreciate your video posts too!! Thanks and keep it going!!
This is a fantastic blog! I am not a dancer, just an audience member, and this blog opens up a whole new world of understanding for me. I love the video clips, the witty writing and the philosophy that ballet is accessible to all. I also love the history of ballet that is woven into the narrative. Definitely the most informative, and entertaining ballet blog around.
I love your blog! You are an inspiration to us all! Thanks Carla for putting this all together. I love the video posts as well. I absolutely adore the picture of Gayla and Antonia! How sweet!
What a wonderful read…every time! I spent a short time working as a dancer, and a long time living outside the dance world but this keeps me connected to that beautiful and challenging life. The Ballet to the People blog is educational, and inspirational. It is so nicely written, I look forward to each posting…such a treat to savor. Thanks for this experience!
B2TP is always informative and entertaining. A great way to keep me connected to the dance world. Thanks for the lifeline to dance!!
Great stuff! keep it up ;-p
Wow! We absolutely adore your blog!
I love this blog! The essays are wonderful and it reminds me to get out and do more dancing!
This blog is both down to earth and takes flight: the essays are thoughtful, often whimsical and really quite entertaining. It reminds me to make time to do the things I love. Looking forward to more; keep up the good work
I love this blog! B2TP truly does bring ballet to everyone.
Love the blog!
Hi C, awesome blog! A perfect forray into the dance world
Very insightful, numerous, and thought provoking. Thank you to Ballet to the People for being such a great resource for us to come visit!
I love Ballet to the People! This blog is insightful, intelligent, inspiring, and FUN! Everytime I read the blog, I’m reminded of how and why ballet permeates my life – even years after stepping off the stage. Way to go Carla! More please…
This site is creative, smart, and informative. Super work, Carla, in bringing Ballet 2 The People, including me, and 2 our culture, which so benefits from more arts culture like this.
I read this blog regularly from Jakarta, Indonesia. It makes me think about the daily dance of millions, ballet to the people, performed to the clang and gong of gamelan ensemble: a beautiful young woman in pose, the chaotic city her backdrop, head turned unobtrusively to observe an interesting passer-by; a warung food stand peddler at street edge, body extended in sinewy strength as if at the practice bar, pushing his cart to avoid oncoming motorcycle traffic; the taught spring choreography of the futsal players.
Thank you, B2TP. You remind and encourage me that dance is everywhere, for the professional and the common man, that our dancing days in this spinning world are not yet done.
Greetings B2P from Singapore! I was with friends the other day and we all beheld your blog, admired your dance at the beach — ( ganda-ganda naman!) and particularly enjoyed the ballet shots in different locales. One of my friends used to be a ballet dancer and she has returned to ballet for exercise after a cancer scare. Ballet is the one exercise that keeps her fit and releases her happy hormones, she says. She is so glad that she came upon your blog. Somehow, your blog helps validate her fondness for the dance. I am not a ballet dancer but I love to dance and do all sorts of “untrained” ballet poses for fun plus the undeniable enagagement of aesthetic faculties– the latter heightened by the your blog! Guess where I copy my ballet poses these days? My friends and I are now followers of your blog – thank you so much for sharing your time, words, sentences and visions to us. Keep them coming! Mabuhay B2P!!
Congrats Carla!!! Following your dreams in every direction. My hero.
I’ve known Carla for decades, and I am always amazed that from this petite, modest fawn arise such bold, complex, intricate, insightful, strong, colorful, globally inspired and endlessly creative powers of observation. B2TP captures this unique writer’s background and experiences in a way that inspires dancers, and lovers of the dance, like no other!
I confess I know nothing of ballet but find your blog extremely educational, informative and entertaining as well. Thank you! I look forward to reading more!!