Viewing all posts by ballettothepeople
[SlideDeck2 id=5575 ress=1]SOS to my readers: provocative art urgently needed
A reader, Ben F., condemned my position on funding for the arts. He claims that America, outside of San Francisco, L.A. and New York, is at heart “a deeply conservative country and uncomfortable with provocative art.” As a foreigner I’m far from an authoritative voice on the subject, but …
Read more →When dancers are physicists
Fouettés rond de jambe en tournant, en dehors.*
*Series of turns propelled by a whipping action of the working leg, turning away from the supporting leg.
See Gail Grant, Technical Manual and Dictionary of Classical Ballet, p. 57, for step-by-step instructions. (Illustration courtesy of the brilliant…
Read more →Hurtling toward the abyss, some more slowly than others
Dance companies worldwide – but above all in the U.S. – have taken a hard hit since the last recession. Large or small, no company has escaped the economic hammering. Some, like Ballet Florida, have collapsed under a mountain of debt. Some, like New York City Ballet, have had to …
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